Sharing Our Lakonian Heritage

Sharing our Lakonian heritage with compatriots worldwide is both important and gratifying. It is a major reason I started this blog on January 25, 2012 with the goal of documenting my Greek research and assisting others who are embarking on this exciting journey.

Our experience in learning about our ancestors’ lives has been greatly enriched by the Faris (Φαρις) newsletters of Xirokampi. We are instantly transported back in time as we read the heartfelt stories of the older generations, captured by the writers and editors. These Faris authors are providing an essential archival service by ensuring that the histories of their villages will be preserved. I am grateful for the privilege of translating these stories into English and sharing them with people worldwide. Whether our roots are in Xirokampi or any other rural Greek village, we are all edified by learning of the everyday lives of our ancestors and seeing how they coped with–and triumphed over–their hard times.

Recently, I was taken by complete surprise when I saw this post on the blog of our our Pan-Laconian friends in South Australia. I thank them sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing the wonderful Faris stories with their readers. You can follow and read the interesting and informative newsletter of the Pan-Laconian Society of South Australia “Leonidas” at

By cross-posting and sharing articles about our Lakonian heritage, we can bring many more people expanded opportunities to learn of and understand their rich ancestral past.

In 2023, I brought home the full collection of Faris newsletters and placed them in the Library of Congress, where researchers worldwide now have access to primary source materials created at the local level. As the archivist wrote to me: “while we cannot predict when a researcher will need to look at material, we would be thrilled to have the ability to provide them with hard-to-find regional materials when they come to us.”

If you know of a Laconian online newsletter, website or blog, please send a link to me at and I will add it to the Spartan Roots Resource page. Thank you!

3 thoughts on “Sharing Our Lakonian Heritage

  1. Anything I read and learn is a gift. My last visit to Laconia was 2019….Covid ended my desire to go again the next few years. I’m fortunate to have known many of my family… Greece and the USA. Sadly, as a young person, my interest was not there.
    My yiayia lived 94 years with a wealth of history in her mind. 1880-1974….
    Now I have questions🤷🏻‍♀️
    My Mom also….we weren’t interested….til we were and no one left to ask.
    We’ve managed to put together names from both my mother and father…..born in the same village. We had the luxury of annual picnics and dances where we got to know our relatives. Several years ago we had a 100 year weekend celebration of the founding of their brotherhood here in the USA. So many came from all over the globe to meet and reminisce.

    We have a large photo of the 1928 picnic and have tried to identify people…100’s in that photo. The photo had been in my possession….and I brought it to a picnic maybe 25-30 years ago….and so many smiling as they named most everyone in that photo. BUT… way to note on the photo….or on the reverse side.
    Again we dropped the ball yet are still on a mission to identify all💙💙🙏

    Hoping to be in the village come summer and try to see the digitized lists from the many villages we came from.

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